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The hippo is definitely stronger and has a more powerful bite.....but the shark is a lot faster. So, this all depends on who bites who first. But, most likely the shark would win.

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The shark would win because they're stronger, faster and are more powerful than hippos. And the shark can pull down the hippo into the water and hippos can't breath under water.

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Q: Who would win a fight between a hippo and a shark?
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What would win in a fight a hippo or a great white shark?

A similar fight has been simulated by the Discovery Channel with a hippo Vs a bull shark. The outcome of that simulation would be repeated for this match up. The hippopotamus has the highest levels of testosterone of any animal and is always angry. It is a herbivore with massive self sharpening teeth and a mouth that almost opens to 180 degrees. It also features an incredibly thick hide. The Great White is a shark. It has sandpaper skin, sharp teeth and... its a shark. In most matches the shark would win, not here though. The Great White's jaw would not be able to open wide enough to get purchase on any part of the hippo. All attempts on the part of the shark to attack the hippo would just get him angry. One bite from the hippo and the shark is pierced and crushed. No way a hippo could win over a great white shark a hippo could beat a bull shark but no way a great white shark this is why one no hippo in the world could stay under the water for ever they will die any shark could two the sharks is way faster and smarter three the sharks bite is way stronger then a hippos bite the shark could bite the hippo the hippo will be on the ground it takes more then one hippo bite to take down the great white shark and last but not least the shark has way more teeth then the hippo and alsothe sharks bite is hurts more and more posion and last one the sharks mouth is way bigger then the hippo

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In a fight between a hippo and a lion, the hippo would likely have the advantage due to its larger size, powerful jaws, and thick skin. Hippos are notoriously aggressive and territorial animals, often able to hold their own against predators like lions.

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The hippo.

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Who will win in a fight between hippo or tiger?

In the event of a hippo ever fighting a tiger, the hippo would win hands down. first of all, those things are ferocious and a tiger would not be able to combat it's giant mouth and enormous display of strength. also, a hippo's anger is its best weapon, it would destroy a tiger in a fight

Would a anteater beat a hippo in a fight?

No an anteater cannot beat a hippo in a fight because the only thing an anteater does is really eat ants not fight. So the hippo would win because the hippo would stomp on the anteater. duhh

Who would win in a fight between 2 gorillas 5 dogs and a hippo?

It is likely that the hippo would win this fight. The 5 dogs would not be surprised that the gorillas would kill them by either hiting them with stones and sticks. When the 2 gorillas defeated the dogs by throwing sticks, the 2 gorillas may throw stones at the hippo, but this would only make it want to fight more. The hippo would come to grab the gorillas with its large jaws and crunch them to death.