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The female has the eggs, but she deposits them in a pouch on the male seahorse's belly where they are fertilized. The male carry the eggs until they hatch, after which the tiny seahorses are on their own.

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11y ago
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11y ago

The eggs start out with the mother. But she'll then deposit the eggs in the father's pouch, where they are fertilized. The father will then carry the eggs until they hatch.

Once hatched, the tiny tiny seahorse babies are expelled and left to survive on their own.

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14y ago

The Male sea horse don't have babies. The Female does. She laies the eggs in the Male's pouch and the Male proctects them until they hatch then he lets them free!! Yay!!!

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13y ago

The mom births the baby seahorse, then passes it to the dad.

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13y ago

yes but after the the babies are born from the mother

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Q: Who births the baby seahorse the mom or dad?
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