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Q: Which role do fish ladders serve?
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Are fish ladders effective?

fish ladders can be effective but it depends on how you want it to be effective. Some fish get trapped inside and get killed but on the other hand the ladders have proven to have been effective getting the fish over the dam

Do people put fish in fish ladders?


How does hydro power plants install ladders to help fish swim upstream to reproduce?

Hydropower plants install _____________ ladders to help fish swim upstream to reproduce. Some hydropower plants have fish

How does fish ladder protect the environment?

fish ladders help fishso they don't get sick

What serve as the basis for identifying career ladders and master training plans?


How do fish find fish ladders?

Salmon use their sense of smell (olfactory organ) to return to the place in a stream in which they were born. The fish have an instinctual desire to complete this journey at all costs.Fish ladders provide a way for migrating fish to get around obstacles like dams.

Are ladders a ramp?

No, ladders are not ramps. Ladders are vertical structures used for climbing up or down, while ramps are sloped surfaces used for accessing different levels. They serve different purposes and are designed differently to accommodate their specific functions.

Can you serve fried fish at a banquet?

Yes I guess you can. Why does it matter what food you serve? It's your banquet you decide I really hope you serve fried fish!

How do you make a rope ladder?

Use ropes to get a new role ladderboy ladders aren't t helpfull

What wine do you serve with fish?

A nice Chardonnay would be the best option to serve with fish. It works very nicely with most sauces fish are served in.

What ladders do hydropower plants install to help the fish swim upstream to reproduce?


What are the costs of hydroelectric energy?

Hydroelectric power has been touted as the 'environmentally clean, renewable source of power.' This is subject to debate, as hydroelectric dams use turbines to generate electricity, and these turbines are spun by shafts which have blades on them. Fish which get caught in the high-pressure streams of water directed at the turbine blades usually do not survive the encounter with the blades. Also, the impoundments, or lakes, behind hydroelectric dams slow the speed of the river so much that many young fish do not survive the long swim to the ocean, where food is plentiful in comparison to rivers. Of course, dams present a complete barrior to upstream migration, unless fish ladders are in place, and even fish ladders are not 100 percent effective, as many fish are unable to locate the ladders. Salmon populations upstream of Grand Coulee Dam, which does not have fish ladders, disappeared, except for the freshwater varieties.