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Q: Which animals can fly and don't have backbones?
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Do butter flies have a backbone?

Butterflies are invertebrates and do not have backbones.

What is the definition of an invertebrate?

Invertebrate animals dont have backbones remember that!

Animals do not have back bone?

It depends... if you mean like a bear they have backbones but if you mean like a jelly fish than they dont have backbones cause they dont have backs

Do butterfly's have backbone?

i dont think the butterfly have backbone because of the wings if they have backbones they cant fly.

what is the name given for animals that have backbones?

Animals with backbones are known as vertibrates.

There are more animals that don't have backbones than there are that do have backbones?

No there is more with backbones

What kind of animals dont have backbones?

Animals that do not have backbones are called invertebrates. Some examples of invertebrates include arthropods (such as spiders, crabs, insects, etc), worms, jellyfish, molluscs (such as snails and octopi), sponges, and more. Interesting to note is that there are far more insects than there are animals with backbones, whether you count by number of species, amount of biomass, or number of individuals.The invertebrates do not have backbones. They are mainly primitive animals. They usually have a less complex body design than those animals which have backbones.

What is an animal have no backbones beginning with i?

invertibrates. animals WITH backbones are vertibrates.

Do animals with a backbone out number animals without a backbone?

No, there are many more animals without backbones than there are those that have backbones.

What are invertrbrates animals?

Invertebrate animals are animals with out Backbones.

What do animals without backbones eat?

Most animals without backbones, known as invertebrates, eat plants.

Are bald eagles invertebrate's?

No, they have a backbone. Vertebrates are ALL animals that have backbones. Invertebrates are ALL animals that do not have backbones.