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Atlantic or pacific..Im guessing >:3

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Q: Where is a tiger shark most likely to be found?
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Related questions

What shark is most likely to kill someone?

A tiger shark is the most likely to kill someone.

What are the two most likely shark to attack?

There are 3 the great whit, tiger, and bull

Which shark most danger?

tiger shark

What is the most deadliest shark not including the bull shark?

a tiger shark

What shark has atack most great white or bull shark and tiger shark?

the bull shark has it is abal to eat anything science tist once found a licence plate in its stomach

Who would win tiger shark vs great white?

A great white would win. Definitely. A great white would indeed win.A recent study and documentry was made, tagging tiger sharks.One particular Tiger shark that was tagged went south towards the colder waters of southern Australia , which is great white territory.The presumption was she would be eaten by great whites, especially as she would be unable to function fully in the cold, in fact she survived and returned to her normal area.

Who would win in a fight a tiger shark or hammerhead shark?

Mostly the Tiger shark would win. Most species of hammer heads are smaller than the tiger shark and hence would lose.

What shark hurts the most people?

great whites and tiger shark

What fish a tiger shark eats?

A tiger shark, and any shark really, aren't picky eaters and they'll eat most types of fish.

What sea creature is there most of?

tiger shark

What is the most carnivorous fish?

tiger shark

Do some sharks eat every thing?

The tiger shark is probably the most voracious eater of the shark family. One has been found with an entire car tire in its stomach!