normal fish such as a sea bass
Although striped bass are ocean fish, that can live in freshwater, and are stocked there, they are not related closely to the sea basses. Stripers are related to the Morone family of fish, including the white bass, yellow bass, and white perch.
10 years or more
2 minutes - in Guernsey! Longer if they are left in the aquarium
Yes, sea bass are carnivores.
Yes, sea bass are carnivores.
corvina sea bass may be anything. Chilean sea bssis the toothfish
all i can think iswhalesharkbigger fish
A sea bass can reproduce
A deep water fish In the southern water ways ( Antarctica)
Sea anenomes, Coral, Clown fish, eels such as the Moray, Groupers (AKA Sea Bass), and Reef sharks live in the coral reef zone.
wrasse fish protects a black sea bass.