no , crabs live in fresh water
Yes, there are many types of crabs that live in fresh water.
Hermit crabs do need both types of water but they need both water because they need to clean themselves and they just drink salt water.
Salt water hermit crabs need to live in ocean water that has been properly set up (like a reef aquarium). Land hermit crabs need access to both fresh and salt water but live the majority of their lives on land.
In fresh salt water that has a water aerator to keep the water fresh constantly
No, there are some hermit crabs called purple pinchers and they happen to be land crabs.
i am pretty sure fresh, but there might be a chance that they drink salt water
flounders live in salt water. flounders can't live in fresh water
they live in salt water
All octopi, octopuses, live in salt water, but i recommend you ask a professional.
they need dechlorinated fresh water, and dechlorinated salt water made with aquarium salt.
Yes, hermit crabs do need access to fresh water for hydration. They cannot survive solely on saltwater and should have a dish of fresh water available at all times for them to drink and also to help maintain proper moisture levels in their environment.