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One can buy fish tank ornaments at the local pet store, such as Pet's-mart. One can also buy at an aquarium, where ornaments and such can be sold through the gift shop. Ornaments can also be bought online, through Pet Co, Amazon, or Ebay.

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If you are looking for more specific fish tank decorations, go online on sites such as Gumtree, Ebay, Aquaone or Amazon where you can search for your desired decorations. Alternatively, if you aren't sure what you want, you could go into any of your local pet or aquatic stores such as Pets at home, Paws for thought or Sharps pet world.

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Custom fish tank accessories can be made and purchased through, but not limited to, the following websites: Living Colour, Aqua Tech, and AML. Such accessories would include themed environments such an artificial coral reefs setting.

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If you wish to shop online for fish tank supplies, the Aquarium Guys website has a very extensive selection of fish supplies for both freshwater and salt water aquariums. If you would prefer to shop in-store, than PetSmart has a fairly large 'aquatic' section as well.

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Decorations to place inside an aquarium are available at most pet stores. In addition, these types of decorations can be ordered online from websites such as Amazon.

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One can purchase fish tank decorations at most pet stores. One can also purchase fish tank decorations from the online stores of Amazon, eBay and Pets at Home.

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Yes, a fish tank can hold 6 liters of water, depending on its size and dimensions. It's important to consider the space needed for decorations, filters, and fish when determining the appropriate tank size.

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You should add cycle a chemical to make your tank suitable for fish than buy a fish or get one then put it in a bag for 30 min. and every 10 min. add water from your fish tank to the bag than after 30 min. release you fish.

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One could purchase a good fish tank light from many places. For instance, many local pet stores sell good fish tank lights. There are also some websites where one may purchase good fish tank lights, such as eBay and Amazon.

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i think you mean tank. you can get one a walmart and any pet store.

Where can you find one of those virtual fish tanks where you can feed the fish?

If you want an on-line virtual tank you can go to:www.GameHouse.comwww.BigFishGames.comwww.iwin.comwww.shockwave.comYou can find games like fish tycoon and stuff so you can have a fish tank without the mess! You can mate them, feed them, clean their tank, and buy accessories for the tank.hope this helped.

In a 1.5 gallon tank how many glofish can live there?

I've had success with up to 30 for about 2 years but I'd reccomend up to 15 just so you don't have any problems.

Why is your fish constantly swiming into one wall of the tank?

It may see its reflection or something interesting. May be a decoration in that area of the tank appeals to it. The possibilities are endless, try moving the decorations around or getting more, possibly a few hiding places.

What fish should you buy?

It depends on so many things. How big your tank is, if you are an experienced aquarist, what type of fish you like, where your tank is placed in your house.Generally, tetras are nice fish to buy because they are hardy and have a wonderful variety of colors. Another one of my favorites are danios, these are also hardy and extremely playful. And the amount of cinnamon toast crunch you put in the tank.

What do you do if the thermometer breaks in your fish tank?

Take the fish out, put it in a tempory tank. Go to the shops, buy a new one then come back and fit it. Answer 1 is not incorrect, but failed to mention that the tank in which the thermometer broke, and from which the fish were removed, should have the contaminated water discarded, and the tank and all accessories which were exposed to the thermometer contents, thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated BEFORE RETURNING the fish to that tank. j3h

Are vaccinations recommended for fantail goldfish?

No, fish are not vaccinated. If you do buy a new fish, you should put them in a separate tank first before adding them to your main tank and treat them for possible parasites first; you can use a product such as Prazi for treatment. This should be done any time you have a new fish that you want to add to your established tank as it's easier to treat a 10 or 20 gallon tank with 1 fish in it than it is to treat a much larger tank with several fish (as one new fish can make your entire tank sick)