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Ghosts can be found in haunted houses

Ghosts can be found anywhere a person has experienced strong emotions or death. It doesn't always have to be a haunted house, it can be a library, a city park, a hospital, a hotel or other inn.

All that is required is the ghost have a connection of some sort to the place.

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Q: Where can ghosts be found?
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Where are ghosts usually found?

Ghosts are usually found in dark places well you see them mostly in dark but they are there all the timeActually, ghosts can be found anywhere. They are usually prone to staying in the building that they died in. This could be any building on Earth. It doesn't necessarily have to be a dark place.

How do you get read of ghoust?

well you can not get read of ghosts the people that are ghosts must have died in a house and and did not get a gravestone or the body was never found

Where are ghosts found?

Ghosts can be found anywhere really but mainly they are found in really old buildings and houses. If u think your house is haunted and if its really old try taking a picture of a room in your house or a video and if your lucky enough they might appear in the picture or video u took. For proof that ghosts are real type in on youtube ghosts on stairs seriously its really creepy.

How do you get rid of the ghosts that you see?

If you believe that ghosts are real, some success in removing them has been found by hiring a priest to exorcise them. Otherwise, ghosts are not real; you should simply not smoking/snorting/injecting whatever you are.

What country has the most ghosts?

englind is the place were most ghosts are found on earth, in englind i think it is supposed that at least 125,212 people have been ither hunted or say that they have seen ghosts around their nabourhood.

What The ghosts actually exist or is it all a lie?

Popeye said that he used to be afraid of ghosts and spirits until he found out that there aren't any. Actually there are some.

What are the names of the ghosts in sims freeplay?

I have not yet found all of the ghosts but the ones I have found are: Pumpernickel Scaresalot, Mr. Flapsworth, Nanny Frightsmith, Chewy Chewfinger, Warts Cauldron, Gruesome Gretchen and Cousin Flapsworth.

When Hindu people die they are reborn right - then what are ghosts?

Ghosts are those who are 'stuck' in their current life and have not been able to move into their next life. ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE: Ghosts are the wandering souls that have not found another body to reincarnate into.

The Angry Princess The Withered Lover and The Jackal are found in what movie?

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Is the ghost of Queen Elizabeth the first found?

Ghosts are not real, so I suppose the answer to your question is "No."

How do you get the sunray spell in mini ninjas?

the sunray spell is found in the cemetory where all the ghosts are

Where do you get the sunray spell in Mini Ninja?

the sunray spell is found in the cemetory where all the ghosts are