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In China, then they went to Korea, Japan, and Europe. They were bred from wild types of carp, around 960-1279 AD .

Here is a bit more information for you in addition to what someone typed above!

The Goldfish, Carassius auratus, was one of the earliest fish to be domesticated, and is still one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish and water garden fish. A relatively small member of the carp family, the goldfish is a domesticated version of a dark-gray/brown carp native to East Asia. It was first domesticated in China,960-1279 and introduced to Europe in the late 17th century. Goldfish can grow to a maximum length of 23 inches (159 cm) and a maximum weight of 9.9 pounds (4.5 kg), although this is rare; few goldfish reach even half this size. The oldest recorded goldfish lived to 49 years, but most household goldfish generally live only six to eight years, due to being kept in bowls. The collective noun for a group of goldfish is a "troubling."

In 1162, the Empress of the Song Dynasty ordered the construction of a pond to collect the red and gold variety of those carp. By this time, people outside the imperial family were forbidden to keep goldfish of the gold (yellow) variety, yellow being the imperial color. This is probably the reason why there are more orange goldfish than yellow goldfish, even though the latter are genetically easier to breed.

During the Tang Dynasty, it was popular to dam carp in ponds. As the result of a dominant genetic mutation, some of these carp displayed gold (actually yellowish orange) rather than silver coloration. People began to breed the gold variety instead of the silver variety, and began to display them in small containers.

The fish were not kept in the containers permanently, but would be kept in a larger body of water, such as a pond, and only for special occasions at which guests were expected would they be moved to the much smaller container.

The occurrence of other colors was first recorded in 1276. The first occurrence of fancy tailed goldfish was recorded in the Ming dynasty. In 1502, goldfish were introduced to Japan, where the Ryukin and Tosakin varieties were developed.In 1611, goldfish were introduced to Portugal and from there to other parts of Europe. Goldfish were first introduced to North America around 1850 and quickly became popular in the United States

The Shubunkin goldfish was developed by Japanese goldfish breeders that wanted to create a brightly coloured goldfish that still had the physical strength and survival skills of the common goldfish. Shubunkins are the result of selective crossings between Comet goldfish and Calico Fantail goldfish.

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14y ago
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6y ago

goldfish were originally just natural freshwater carp, the Crucian Carp, but around 1000 AD some Chinese naturalists noticed that sometimes beautiful orange coloration cropped up naturally.

the Chinese had selectively bred pets for a while, mainly dogs. but as knowledge of the gorgeous carp variety reached the upper class, pet fish were the new high-class pet. glass tanks and indoor ponds were very expensive back then, and fish were seen as a measure of class by alot of people. the goldfish were bred into tons of different species for the royalty's delight.

and as time went on, gold fish became weirder and weirder looking, and also more highly prized.

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13y ago

goldfish orginated from Chinese koi fish, they were a silvery green at the time, but have evolved & adapted to new climates :)

goldfish orginated from Chinese koi fish, they were a silvery green at the time, but have evolved & adapted to new climates :)

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What parts of the world are goldfish mostly found?

China is where the goldfish originated and remains today, as the world's leading producer of goldfish. This is where the majority of goldfish can be found. Goldfish can also be found in almost every petstore that sells fish in The United States.

Where are goldfish most common?

Comet goldfish are the average pet, although you can now get funnier types such as (my favourite) Celestial goldfish.

How many types of Australian goldfish are there?

Goldfish originated in Asia. Any found in Australia are or originally were pets, so Australian goldfish is a misnomer.

Is eukaryote found in goldfish cells?

Yes. Eukaryotes are found in animals

Where can you find a wild goldfish?

Wild Goldfish are found in the Yangtze river, but are very different from the domesticated goldfish. In the wild, goldfish can grow up to five feet long, and are reputed to live for hundreds of years.

How long is the biggest goldfish?

Largest Goldfish ever found has a size of 19 inches. See the related links.

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Goldfish will feed on the algae and minute organisms found around the weeds.

Where are fantails mostly found?

Mostly on Goldfish and Guppies.

Can you buy goldfish in pet shops now?


What feature makes a goldfish a vertebrate?

I don't now

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160 - 25 = 135 135 + 135 = 170

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