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tuna mushrooms

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Q: What type of fish live in the Appalachian rivers?
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Related questions

What type of animals live in African rivers?

fish, crocodiles, eels, etc...

What type of animal live in rivers?

Fish, reptiles, amphibians, sometimes insects, sometimes crustaceans.

What is an example of a fresh water fish?

Trout, Walleye, and Perch. Any type of fish that swims in freshwater lakes, rivers and does not live in the ocean. These fish taste great when sauteed with lemon juice.

Where do you get fish from?

we get them from the seas and oceans , rivers or lakes depending upon the type of fish you like!!

What fish lives in the sea and rivers?

Salmon is a type of fish that lives in both the sea and rivers. They typically spawn in rivers and then migrate to the sea for the majority of their life before returning to freshwater to reproduce.

What type of fish live in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, you can find a variety of fish species, including bass, crappie, catfish, trout, and sunfish. Tennessee's lakes, rivers, and streams offer diverse habitats for different types of freshwater fish.

How do you betta fish live?

Sorry, type in: how do betta fish live?

Which fish live in lakes?

Rainbow trout, big mouth catfish, bass, minnows. There are several types of fish that live in lakes. Sometimes when you are looking for a particular type of fish it can depend on were you go. Not all lakes have the same types of fish in them.

What type of snails live in rivers?

Fresh water snails live in rivers but there might be another type of snail we have not came across on. I hope this information was usefull for you :)

What type of fish can live together in fish tank?

gold fish

What type of fish can live in a 1.5 fish tank?

A Betta fish!

What type of bears live in the Appalachian mountains?

There is only one type of bear that lives in the Appalachian Mountains. It is the black bear.