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Q: What trait separates female great white sharks from their male counterparts?
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Related questions

What is the length of great white shark?

Adult Great White Sharks range anywhere from 23-27 feet long. The female is usually bigger.

What kinds of sharks do great white sharks eat?

Great White Sharks eat smaller sharks

Do great white sharks kill other sharks?

yes great white sharks eat other sharks

What do great white sharks and bull sharks have similar about them?

there sharks.

What sharks have a urinary tract?

Mako sharks, thresher sharks and Great white sharks

Are great white sharks fishes or mammals?

Great white sharks are fish not mammals. Mammals are unique in that they have body hair, have three middle ear bones (the incus, malleus, and stapes), and nourish their young with milk from the female mammary glands. The great white shark has none of the above characteristics.

What separates the north central plains from the great plains?

The Missouri River separates the Great Plains from the Central Plains.

What is the shelter of a great white sharks?

Not all sharks have shelter but, Great White Sharks can't stop swiming or they die.

What kind of sharks can be found in Hong Kong?

you find bull sharks and a 50 foot great white

What is the males shark called?

the male shark is called a male shark

Is a Mako or larger than great white sharks?

Great White sharks are bigger than Mako sharks...

What is the size of a female shark?

There are around 440 different species of sharks in the world (great white sharks, carpet sharks, hammerheads, whale sharks, tiger sharks, blue sharks, mako sharks, lemon sharks, angel sharks, thresher sharks, megamouth sharks, zebra sharks, nurse sharks, basking sharks, and bull sharks, just to name a few). And they all grow to different sizes. So, unless you specify what kind of shark(s) you're talking about, this question is far too general to be answered. See the Related Link below for the Wikipedia entry for sharks.