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Most of the time you can just leave them in the tank. The other fish will most likely leave them alone. You can feed them wafers with algae in them. They will also eat whatever your other algae eaters eat. I hope this answer helps!

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Do algae eaters consume brown algae as part of their diet?

Yes, algae eaters consume brown algae as part of their diet.

What are the differences between Siamese and Chinese algae eaters?

Siamese algae eaters are smaller and have a slender body with a dark horizontal stripe, while Chinese algae eaters are larger and have a more elongated body with a lighter coloration. Siamese algae eaters are peaceful and prefer to eat algae, while Chinese algae eaters can become aggressive and may not solely rely on algae as their diet.

What are the differences between a Chinese algae eater and a Siamese algae eater in terms of their effectiveness in controlling algae in an aquarium?

Chinese algae eaters and Siamese algae eaters are both popular choices for controlling algae in aquariums, but they have some key differences in their effectiveness. Chinese algae eaters are known to be more aggressive and may not be as effective at controlling algae as Siamese algae eaters, which are more efficient and dedicated algae eaters. Siamese algae eaters are also known to be more peaceful and compatible with other fish in the aquarium, making them a better choice for maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

Do Chinese algae eaters eat neon tetra?

no they do not any type of algae eaters only eat algae that has grown on your tanks glass

What are some suitable brown algae eaters for freshwater aquariums?

Some suitable brown algae eaters for freshwater aquariums include Siamese algae eaters, otocinclus catfish, and bristlenose plecos.

What are the differences between Chinese and Siamese algae eaters in terms of their behavior and suitability for freshwater aquariums?

Chinese algae eaters are known to be more aggressive and territorial compared to Siamese algae eaters. Siamese algae eaters are generally more peaceful and can be kept in community tanks. Chinese algae eaters may not be suitable for all freshwater aquarium setups due to their behavior, while Siamese algae eaters are more adaptable and can be a better choice for most aquariums.

What should you feed algae eaters or fish?

There are specialised foods for algae eaters at most good pet shops.

What are the differences between a Chinese algae eater and a Siamese algae eater in terms of their behavior and suitability for freshwater aquariums?

Chinese algae eaters are known to be more aggressive and territorial compared to Siamese algae eaters. Siamese algae eaters are generally more peaceful and can coexist with other fish in a freshwater aquarium. Additionally, Chinese algae eaters can grow larger in size and may not be suitable for smaller tanks. Siamese algae eaters are better suited for community tanks and are more effective at controlling algae growth.

Do algae eaters eat dead fish?

yes algae eaters do eat dead fish because as i type this my algae eater is feasting on a dead goldfish!

What fish are cold water algae eaters?

Common cold water algae eaters include plecos, otocinclus catfish, and Siamese algae eaters. These fish help control algae growth in aquariums by consuming algae as part of their diet.

Do algae eaters eat your plants in your aquarium?

No, because plants are not made up of algae

Goldfish and hes sitting by your algae eaters?

No he's not.