Killer whales. Killer whales are the oceans most apex predators. They have been seen preying on whales including the blue whale.
The killer whale itself is actually not a whale it is a dolphin. The reason it is called a killer whale is because researchers and whalers saw the dolphin killing whales so they called it the killer of whales which has been over time shortened to killer whale. :)
Yes, sperm whales eats them
An orca can eat baby whales.
killer whales and sea lions
easy.think about a sea animal and what it eats. then think about what THAT animal eats
Bears, big fish, sharks, whales, people!, sea birds and blue-ringed octopi
Sharks, and killer whales
It eats jellyfish, fish , crabs ,and plants.
whale but if your talking about phytoplankton every creature under the sea eats it! whale but tones eat it even though they dont like it it just to small
Fish, squid, krill, crabs, and everything that eats them including whales, seals, penguins and sea birds.