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Q: What products are made from shark cartilage?
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Related questions

What is a shark's skeleton called?

A shark's skeleton is made up of cartilage.

What are shark's bones made from?


Might a shark be an animal that carts around cartilage?

Yes, sharks are indeed animals that have cartilage instead of bones. Their skeletons are made up entirely of cartilage, allowing them to be more flexible and lightweight compared to other animals with skeletons made of bone.

What the tiger shark endoskeleton is made of?


Do you have shark cartilage?

We do not have shark cartilage because then we would be sharks and I do not want to be a shark or have any shark cartilage in me at all.

How many bones in shark body?

Sharks do not have bones, they have skeletons made of cartilage.

How are shark bodys different from humans?

A shark's "skeleton" is made of cartilage while human skeleton is made of bone.

Does a shark have any bone?

I believe the shark is made up completely of cartilage, such as your ear. SuperSlasher

What are great white sharks made of?

sharks are made of human poo and it is a true fact

How many bones in a dogfish shark?

Sharks are cartilaginous fish. The term "cartilaginous fish" means that the structure of the animal's body is formed of cartilage, instead of bone. A shark does not have one bone in it's body. It's skeleton is made up of cartilage. Cartilage is a tough material, like the material that shaped your ear.

Would a shark be a bony fish?

No, because a shark is not a bony fish as it's skeletal structure is made of cartilage.

Why is shark cartilage important to the shark?

cartilage is more flexible than bone making the shark more hydrodynamic.