Usually when a fish is in a death phase they are swimming off balance or just sitting at the bottom of the bowl. This is a pretty good sign that death is imminent. They'll maybe last another 48 hours.
Typically the fish is not eating in this phase. They've got more important things on their mind. So, don't feed it. When they're sick they won't eat and it just clouds the water.
The best thing to do is to change the water. Typically when changing the water you would let your new water sit out for a while (hour or two) to allow it to attain room temperature but in these cases I would say that you need to get the fish out of the bad water as soon as possible. So try and feel the water coming out of the tap and match it up as best you can to the water in the bowl. You can maybe let the new water sit out for twenty minutes.
Make sure you rinse the bowl and stones with water. Do this very thoroughly. I find the best way is to just let the water run in the bowl and overflow in the sink. You can stick your hand in and stir up the stones and wipe the inside of the glass.
Never use any type of soap on the bowl. No washcloths.
Then gently put your fish back in the bowl and new water using a net. Keep an eye on him for a couple of hours and hope for the best.
I've found that a fish has a strong will to live and they'll respond fairly quickly if put back into good water. I've seen them go from near death all the way back to normal within 3-4 days.
And remember....Plants like sunlight. Fish don't.
In general, the consumption of ice will not cause death. However, in regions of the world where one must take precautions with water sanitation, those precautions should be extended to ice. And yes, you will die. Eventually. Everyone dies.
The fish will die.
Not unless you had another fish in there.
Just like ich, a parasite is something that can hurt your fish. You should take it to a pet store to have it looked at. If it goes un cared for he could die.
no it should not die if you set the bowl up properly but sometimes fish die because of shock but only if you are rough with them so no it should not be be careful
they say that fish can holdtheir breath out of water for 30 secs. If the fish has a certain disease then they should be able to hold their breath for 1 whole minute.
The ONLY reason if you want to freeze a fish if it is sick and is going to die! How to and what happens 1. Take the almost dead fish out and put it in a zip-lock plastic bag take all the air out and leave a little water 2. put in freezer and leave for 24 hours WHAT HAPPENS The fish will fall asleep becaus ehow cold it is and with die by being frozen WHY SHOULD I DO THIS INSTEAD OF JUST LETTING IT DIE It lets the fish die peacefully not badly or in pain
It won't die, but coldwater fish have different nutritional needs from tropical fish. It just won't be as healthy as it should be with the proper food.
A fish will most likely die if you put a cleaning agent in its fish bowl without removing the fish. You should remove your fish with a net and place it in another safe container until fish bowl is clean.
Fish, like us, need oxygen to live. However they have gills to taken oxygen from water, whereas we have lungs to take oxygen from the air. Therefore, when fish get taken out of the water, as they don't have lungs they have no way to take in oxygen, so they die.
how to take care of egg when fighter fish male die
If they eat too much food they could die.