No, a sea horse is not an invertebrate. They belong to the phylum chordata (meaning they have a spinal chord.)
kingdom:animalia phylum chordata class:
No, a horse is not a phylum. A horse belongs to the phylum Chordata, which includes all vertebrate animals with a spinal cord.
The sea squirt is in the phylum Chordata.
sea anemone belongs to phylum echinodermata.
No. Mollusks are in the phylum mollusca. sea stars, or starfish are in the phylum echinodermata.
The athleta sea snail belongs to the phylum Mollusca.
Sea lemons belong to the phylum Mollusca.
No, sea horses are Phylum Cordata Mollusks are Phylum Molluska.
Sea urchins belong to the phylum Echinodermata.
A sea anemone is in the phylum "cnidaria"