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Frogs should be kept in a vivarium not an aquarium. They should not be kept with fish ever. The main reason for this is frogs foul up (Poo) in the water and the fish need clean water to breath.

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15y ago

if you are talking about the white freshwater albino frog yes they can in fact it would be better if they had each other so they are not lonley

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What animals live with fish?

In a tank? Snails, other fish, frogs.

What kinds of animals live in a pond?

fish,frogs,bugs,salamanders, and any other amphibian

What do frogs do different from a fish?

Frogs are amphibians. This means that they can live both out of water and in water. Fish, on the other hand, cannot. They have gills and need water to live. This is the biggest difference.

What animals live in the river?

Fish, turtles, frogs, insects, worms and many other animals.

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What lives in a pond other than fish and frogs?

Many animals live in ponds. Toads, frogs, fish, bugs, turtles, and many more! You'll also find ducks, and maybe even geese! (depending on where you live)

Can you fish with live frogs?

No because sometimes the frogs get off the hook and well.....

Can betta fish and frogs live together?

Yes, but just make sure the frogs aren't aggressive or they will kill your other fish.

What different types of populations live in freshwater biomes?

fish, duck, frogs and other things like that.

How are frogs and fish different?

well frogs have legs and can live on land in addition to the water.

Can Albino Clawed Frog and Albino Oscar live together?

Albino Clawed Frogs and Albino Oscars have different care requirements and may not be compatible tank mates. Oscars are more aggressive and can potentially harm the frogs. It's best to house them separately to ensure the well-being of both species.

What organisims live in rivers?

Fish, turtles, dragonflies, fish, frogs, salamanders, crayfish