Caimans, turtles, otters, herons, human beings.
No, auctually most piranhas aren't red like the Black Piranha
All piranhas, including red bellied piranhas, are not amphibians, they are fish.
you can have red bellies and gold piranhas but black piranhas are illegal in Illinois
i have no idea but hi caleb
yes it is
5 minutes
They talk in fishy language.
very rare! :)
You can buy red bellied piranhas on the south coast of philippines. There is where they all are then are sold in that area. I hope i answered your question. Thank you.
Yes, they are from the same family, but i dont know if Red Belly Pacus can be kept with Black Belly Piranhas. Red belly Pacus can be kept with Red belly piranhas.