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Leopard sharks (Triakis semifaciata) are more sluggish, and eat shellfish and small fish. The tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are more aggressive, and have been known to eat almost anything (including license plates, overcoats, frozen chicken....). Tiger sharks are considered dangerous by humans, but both are extremely susceptible to humans' finning and habitat degradation.

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13y ago
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8y ago

The tiger shark is very vicious and eats everything it sees in water. The sand tiger shark is shy.

The tiger shark, Caleocerdo cuvier, also known as sea tiger is a deep water macropredator, and lives primarily in tropical and temperate waters in the Central Pacific.

The sand tiger shark, Carcharias taurus, also known as the grey nurse shark, spotted ragged tooth shark, and blue-nurse sand tiger, lives in coastal areas along the shores of North America, Japan, Australia, and South Africa.

While all sharks are dangerous, the rate of human attacks by sharks is very low. Despite this, tiger sharks are the second most recorded species of shark/human attacks next to great whites, and attacks by sand tigers are extremely rare, due in large part to their shy demeanor.

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10y ago


A whale shark (Rhincodon typus) IS a shark subspecies...

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13y ago


whale shark is a filter feeding shark and other sharks are meat eating sharks.

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12y ago

blue whale eats whale is a mamal

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A cross between a shark and a whale is not biologically possible because they are different species with vastly different genetic makeups. Sharks are cartilaginous fish, while whales are marine mammals.

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Whale would eat the shark not grind it shark would eat insides shark wins whale loses

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none a gigantic shark is not a real "breed" of shark

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No. both are different species.

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whales are the biggerspecies but are two different species with whales being mammals and sharks being fish. the largest shark is the whale shark followed by the basking shark.. etc

What ocean zone does whale shark live?

What zone does a whale shark live in ? If there is no answer, then please list different websites I could go to.

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When a whale eats a shark or a shark eats a whale