There are only two real similarities and that is they are both fish and they are both livebearers. Everything else is different. From their size to the parameters of water they require, they are miles apart. To list the differences would require an encyclopedic volume.
Yes, almost all shops sell guppies and nearly all of them sell white cloud minnows.
Yes, i have them in the same tank and they're fine
Harlequin Rasboras White Cloud Minnows Zebra Danios Guppies Mollies Platies Swordtails Corydoras
Bristlenose catfish (normal or albino), mollies, swordtails, black widows, some tetra species and sometimes bumblebee gobbies. There are many fish compatible with guppies.
goldfish, sometimes minnows and even sometimes guppies and bettas but it depends on the range of temperature
Mosquitoes have quite a few natural predators, including the mosquito fish (aka Gambusia), guppies, minnows, dragonflies, birds and bats.
Some types of fish that can live peacefully with minnows include danios, guppies, neon tetras, and white cloud mountain fish. It's important to choose fish that are similar in size and temperament to minnows to prevent any aggressive behavior or conflicts in the aquarium. Always research the specific needs and compatibility of different fish species before adding them to a tank with minnows.
In natural habitats, guppies live lives like minnows do in small ponds and against the shore.
The only difference is the tail is about 1 cm bigger Males usually aready have fancy tails i find
Collective nouns for minnows are a shoal of minnows, a steam of minnows, a stream of minnows, and a swarm of minnows
Fish that are big enough to eat a grasshopper really like them.
frogs can eat minnows