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Maybe he ate fish.

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Q: What is the cause of fishy smell from mouth of a 9 years boy?
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Your granddaughter is 9 years old and smells of a fishy smell all the time why could this be?

She may have a yeast infiction.

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Unless he has body odor or an STD that he transmits to you to cause you to have an odor..his smell will not be IN you. However, I worked in the Sexually Transmitted Disease clinic for 5 years. Those that had an odor usually had an infection. See your doctor to be safe.

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Last I heard, mouth-to-mouth is no longer necessary.

How do you take away fishy smell from freshly catch fish?

There is a wonderful "soak" that removes any "fishiness" from any seafood product. In one gallon of water, mix one tablespoon salt, and one teaspoon baking soda. Cover the fish or seafood with it and refrigerate 6 hours to overnight. It's called "sweetening the catch", and restuarants have used this trick for years.

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Everyone's sweat glands are different. Some people may not cause an odor, while others will make people pass out. I don't stink much when I sweat. Lets be happy for that!

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about 76.856365747422343 years on November 5 2008. butts smell nice:) about 76.856365747422343 years on November 5 2008. butts smell nice:)

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Does betadine get rid of bad vagina odor with a fishy irritating smell?

Yes, it can supposedly. This information comes from a very well informed Nurse Practitioner with over 30 years experience. It can also supposedly rid a penis of the same fishy odors. The NP suggested that my fiancé use a 50/50 mixture of Betadine and H2O with a cotton swab, and to let it dry. Now I'm not sure exactly how it would be applied to a vagina, but I would guess it would be a diluted amount, such as the one mentioned above. Just to be sure (and safe), I would ask your doctor or women's health professional. Hope that helps.