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The whale shark.

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Q: What is the biggest shark in the world out of all the sharks?
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What is the biggest of all sharks?

the whale shark

Who is bigger the great white shark or the mega mouth shark?

white shark is the biggest of all sharks

What are all the sharks called?

the names of sharks are hammerhead great white and the biggest shark is the megeloden

What is the biggest herbivore shark?

it is the whale shark harmless Correct: All sharks are carnivorous. The whale shark eats krill, small fish, and zooplankton (animal-like plankton)

Are Bull shark in danger?

Yes. Humans are the biggest enemies for these sharks. They have been hunted and killed indiscrimenately by humans for decades. That is why they are endangered.

Where is the only freshwater sharks?

the bull shark is found all over the world

Types of shark?

Some common types of sharks include the great white shark, tiger shark, hammerhead shark, and whale shark. Sharks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each adapted for different habitats and feeding behaviors.

Which is the largest of all fishes whale sharks or beluga whale?

Whale sharks. Whale sharks can grow up to 50 feet, while belugas only grow to about 15-20 feet.

The biggest of all sharks?

the biggest shark ever recorded is the whale shark, which can reach up to 50 feet, and grow up to 18 tons. Any more questions? I'm a big shark fan, and i can answer any questions you have. Contact me at

Which is the biggest seafish?

The Whale shark is the largest of all fish. Whale Sharks have been known to reach a length of 18 meters.

Is there a different from shark and shark?

dependant on which sharks you are talking about all sharks are different in one way or another as most sharks determine other sharks personalitys

Kind of sharks?

Some types of sharks include great white sharks, hammerhead sharks, bull sharks, and tiger sharks. Each species has unique characteristics and behaviors that help them thrive in their respective environments.