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depending on season

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Q: What is the amount of sunlight in an estuary?
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Related questions

What are living and nonliving things in an estuary?

Living things in an estuary include fish, birds, crabs, and plants like seagrass. Nonliving things in an estuary include water, rocks, sediment, and sunlight.

What causes the amount of salt of an estuary to change?

go ask ur teacher

how can water from a small stream in a mountain in north carolina affect an estuary that is hundreds of miles away?

by lowering the amount of water passing through the estuary

What must be equal to the amount of sunlight reflected plus the amout absorbed?

The amount of sunlight reflected plus the amount absorbed must be equal to the amount of sunlight that hits the surface (incident sunlight) in order to account for all the incoming solar radiation.

Does the amount of sunlight affect the growth of the sunlight?


What causes the amount of salt in the water of an esturay to change?

The amount of salt in the water of an estuary can change due to various factors. One major factor is the mixing of freshwater from rivers with saltwater from the ocean, which can dilute or increase the salt concentration. Seasonal variations in rainfall and temperature can also affect the amount of salt in the water. Additionally, human activities such as agriculture, industry, and pollution can introduce or remove salt from the estuary, causing changes in its salinity.

What is the photic area of an estuary?

The photic zone of an estuary is the area where there is enough light penetration for photosynthesis to occur, typically near the surface where sunlight can reach. This zone is important for the growth of aquatic plants, algae, and phytoplankton, which form the base of the estuarine food chain.

Why does Indiana receive least amount of sunlight?

because the sunlight

Amount of sunlight is caused by?

the amount of sunlight produced and the amount of sunlight received are two different things. the amount of sunlight produced is caused by the magnitude of the nuclear fusion reaction going on in the sun at any given time. a bigger reaction means more light energy produced. the amount of sunlight received depends on this and also distance the light has to travel. also things such as weather conditions. clouds may block sunlight reducing the amount received or vissible. dust and other particle in the air may also block amounts of sunlight.

How much sunlight does the Shannon estuary get?

In mid-winter it gets about 7 hours and 30 minutes of sunlight per day, going right up to about 16 hours and 30 minutes per day in mid-summer.

Does fall and spring have the same amount of sunlight?

No, fall and spring do not have the same amount of sunlight. In fall, the days get shorter leading to less sunlight, whereas in spring, the days get longer resulting in more sunlight.

Which increases the amount of solar energy in a region?

amount of sunlight :)