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Fish oil is very beneficial to the human body. It has been proven to help with heart and brain health. As with any vitamin or supplement; the best place to get it is from food itself. Pill supplements can sometimes be difficult for the body to absorb, and sometimes only as little as 10% will actually be absorbed. Try increasing that amount of fish in your diet.

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Q: What is the advantage of fish oil to the body?
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Name one kind of healthful oil not found in a can?

Fish oil is a healthy oil that you cant find in cans. Fish oil is extracted fishes. It is said to contain proteins that are essential for the body.

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lanoxin also used flaxseed oil or fish body oil

Why do fish make you smart?

fish oil make you smart because of all the protein calcium and minerals for your body and brain

Is there any danger to taking fish oil capsules and acetyl-l-carnitine together?

No, it is also recommended to do it fish oil, or omega 3 will help the body with the absorption of the carnitine

Can fish oil and krill oil be taken together daily?

They can, but a good krill oil would probably be better taken alone. Fish oil has alot of bad fats that your body needs to convert before it can use the omega 3.

What is the difference between fish body oil with omega 3 supplements and flax seed supplements and does multivitamin supplements replace themand should you ask a doctor before taking them?

When it comes to a fish oil supplement, flaxseed oil supplements cannot replace them. The Omega 3 in fish oil is easy for your body to process, getting you the Omega 3 you need in order to function properly. Flaxseed oil supplements are not easy for your body to process, so the actual amount of Omega 3 you're receiving is questionable at best.

What does fish oil do for you body?

Fish puts the three types of fat that people don't have.

What are fish burps caused by fish oil and omega -3?

Omega 3-6-9 pills and fish oil cause "fishy" or sea-food tasting burps. That is because the essential fatty acids making up these common dietary supplements are made of just that, fish. It is the same as eating anything else and burping up something odourous later. Garlic anyone? The base of a fish oil capsule is a fat called triglyceride that is a bad fat that our body cannot use so your body rejects it and has a hard time using the omega 3 that your body needs. So you get fishy burps and limited absorption from fish oil. I take a Krill oil that has a phospholipid base every cell in the human body has phospholipids so it is easily absorbed (48 times more) and no fish burps ever.

Are omega 3 fish oil capsules as effective as liquid omega 3?

Omega 3 in fish oil is very hard for your body to absorb because it is bound to a bad fat. A krill oil like K 48 plus is the best form of omega 3 on the planet because your body can use it.

What bottom-feeder salt water fish has 60 percent of its body as its liver and 60 percent of its liver is oil?

The fish you are referring to is the Atlantic cod. It is known for having a large liver that can account for up to 60% of its body weight, with about 60% of the liver's weight being oil. This oil-rich liver helps the fish maintain buoyancy in its deep-sea habitat.

What is fish oil benefits?

Fish oil is obtained from fish specially from sea fishes. Fish oil benefits play a vital in our body building andΒ  growth . The role of fish oil in good health Fish Oil is very beneficial for health. From keeping the heart healthy to developing the baby, from losing weight to overcoming fatigue - Fish oil is used to keep our body healthy in many ways ALA is a very vital fatty acid, EPA and DHA show several health benefits Getting enough omega-3 is also important because the Western diet has replaced lots of omega-3 with other fats like fatty acid like omega 6. This alteration in fatty acids can lead to many diseases.