The word "dolphin" in English means "lumba lumba" in Tagalog.
Tagalog name of lighter: pangsindi
Kristopher Dolphin's birth name is Kristopher Todd Dolphin.
Tagalog Translation of BOARD: lupon
Tagalog translation of ROSE: Rosas
Jason Dolphin's birth name is Jason Lee Dolphin-King.
Tagalog name of cauliflower: Koles
The common name of sunflower in Tagalog is "sunsilyo."
Delphinidae Delphis is the scientific name for a dolphin, but the name varies for each type of dolphin. Hope I helped! =^_^=
The Tagalog name for asparagus is "asparagus." There is no separate word in Tagalog for this vegetable, so the English word is used.
The Tagalog name for blackberry is "munting hasel."