

What is the IQ of a fighting fish?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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14y ago

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Fish have a totally different form of IQ that can not be compared to humans so until humans can understand and enumerate IQ values for other species there is no compatible numerical value that can be used

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Q: What is the IQ of a fighting fish?
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Of course they can. How else would we have fighting fish.

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The scientific name for the Japanese fighting fish is Betta splendens.

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Fighting Fish do eat each other so, yes

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Fighting fish is their nic-name so they should be kept separate

What is the average IQ of a fish?

Since there are still many species of fish for which no IQ has been measured, the answer to this question is still unknown. However, we do know that IQ depends heavily on the species of fish. For instance, goldfish tend to be very unintelligent, with IQ's measured in the 30-40 range, while some fish (such as freshwater salmon) have had IQ's measured to be as high as 130. To put this in context, President Obama has an IQ of 125. Generally, there is a tendency for fish which live in warmer climates to have higher IQ's. Theories on why this is tend to vary, but there seems to be an emerging consensus that warmer climates are more hospitable to marine life. This leads to increased interspecies competition, and ultimately more evolutionary pressure selecting for intelligence.

Do the Male fighting fish fight for the female fighting fish?

I don't think so.

Do fighting fish have the commonsense when to stop eating?

No fighting fish eat when ever they get the chance.

Which will win a convict or a fighting fish?

Win what? be more specific. If you mean in a territorial dispute, an adult fighting fish will get eaten (literally) by and adult convict cichlid. but if the cichlid and the fighting fish are of the same size then the fighting fish would be at an advantage.