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Depends on where you are swimming. If you are in Hawaii then you should fear the tiger shark. If your in California then fear the White shark. The largest tiger shark ever accurately measured was 23.9 feet. the largest white shark ever accurately measured was just over 20 feet. However white sharks reach a larger size more commonly than a tiger shark. Tiger sharks will try to eat anything and will not leave you after biting. A white shark will make a massive strike.

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15y ago
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11y ago

It mistakes humans for seals and thrashing movements makes it look like you are a seal swimming so it attacks

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14y ago

the tiger shark is more deadly because the tiger shark is more likely to attack. Tiger sharks will eat anything.

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14y ago

whale sharks are more like whales, they feed on small crustaceans NOT large fish like great whites. They dont have the same predatory teeth as the great whites either.

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Q: What is more deadly tiger shark or great white shark?
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The Great white or the tiger shark.

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no it was a tiger shark

What is more fierce a tiger shark or a great white?

A great white shark is more fierce than a tiger shark. This is based on the recorded number of attacks on humans.

What shark lives in shallow and deep water?

Tiger shark, and the Great white shark. Tiger shark being 8 ft. long, and the great white is only 5 ft. long.

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The tiger shark eats more humans than the great white shark

Who will win megaldon or great white shark?

well tiger shark was the same size but great white shark was fast and was stronger if it was a group the tiger shark would win but the great white shark will win but great white sharks are not as big as jaws because jaws was fake!the sharks where back with the crocodilian and the dinosaurs but they lived

Does a shark eat a tiger shark?

thear are some sharks what are stronger then tiger sharks such as bull shark and great white sharks