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Q: What is different between brackish water fresh water cultivation?
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What is fresh water that mixes with ocean water called?

Fresh water that mixes with ocean water is called brackish water. Brackish water has a salinity level that falls between that of freshwater and seawater.

What is the name of a fish that goes between salt water and fresh water?


Why is salt water brackish?

Salt water is brackish because it contains a mix of salt and freshwater. This occurs when freshwater mixes with seawater, creating a lower salinity level than pure seawater but higher than freshwater. The resulting blend of salt and freshwater gives brackish water its distinct salinity level.

Is coral reefs freshwater or saltwater?

Only salt water not brackish or fresh fresh and brackish water kills the polyps

What is a mix of fresh and salt water called?

A mix of fresh and salt water is called brackish water. It usually occurs in estuaries where rivers meet the sea.

What do you called the combination of salt water and fresh water?

The combination of salt water and fresh water is called brackish water.

What is the word for salt water and fresh water mixed?

Brackish is the word used to describe a mixture of salt and fresh water.

Where did megaladon's live?

Brackish they live in brackish Brackish water is a mixture of salt a fresh water like for example the....... Chesapeake bay

What is a description of brackish water?

Brackish water is a mixture of fresh and salt water. Rivers coming from inland headed to the ocean are fresh, then as they get closer to the salt water influences, the waters are brackish and then salt as you get closer to the ocean.

What word describes water that is not fresh and partly salty?

Brackish water is used to describe water that is a mix of fresh and saltwater, typically found in estuaries.

What do you call water that is half salt water and half freshwater?

The mixing of fresh water and saltwater is called brackwater or brackish water.

What do you call a mix of fresh and salt water?

A mix of fresh and salt water is called brackish water. This type of water is found in estuaries, where rivers meet the sea, creating a unique ecosystem that supports diverse wildlife.