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Generally it depends on which type of Salmonella spp. is asked.

Salmonella typhi is the most pathogenic one causing typhoid fever. The patient has an increasing fever after about a week after ingestion. Symptoms are headache, diarrhea, myalgia, anorexia and later to Typhus( delirium) and further complications such as meningitis, hepatosplenomegaly, myocarditis and an interstital pneumonia.
The most severe part is a perforation of the GI tract and a mostly deadly peritonitis.

This count for S. typhi, other Salmonella strains cause much less severe gastroenteritis and are self limited.

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Q: What is bad about salmonella?
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Is Salmonella good or bad?

salmonella is a type of food poisoning, which can be caught by eating raw chicken. Unless you find that good i'd say it was a bad thing ;)

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What is the life cycle for salmonella?

when the sky gods get angry, they choose a bad bad man and give the man salmonella to make an example of him they some time they let him die. if they believe they will let them live.

Where is salmonella typhimurium found?

it is mostly found in bad meat,makyna

Is salmonella a good or bad microbe?

Salmonella is considered a pathogenic (bad) microbe because it can cause food poisoning and infections in humans. It is commonly associated with contaminated food, and can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps.

Do you get salmonella from a bad fugus?

No you could get salmonella from birds and turtles but that's only if you touch them and handle them, if you handle birds and turtles wash your hands well -also you can get it from food.

Name some bad micro-organisms?

There are loads of bad fungi and bacteria including E.coli, salmonella and helicobacter pylori.

What are some bad things of Salmonella the bacteria?

salmonella are anaerobic bacteria so that they can live in tinned food and all for many days even though oxygen is not available.they produce a poiso which is responsible for food poisoning.also salmonella typha is the typhoid causing bacteria

Is it bad to eat uncook rice?

I would think it would be ok but check where it was processed to avoid salmonella.

What is the latin name for salmonella?

The Latin name for Salmonella is Salmonella enterica.

Can you catch salmonella after you've al ready had it?

Yes, salmonella is in uncooked meats or eggs and you can catch it more than once just by eating a bad fastfood burger or under cooked breakfeast at a resturant.