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If you are worried about a guppy aborting you must be doing something wrong. Guppies are so very easy to breed. Just leave her alone feed her regularly and keep her water in good conditions (regular water changes and temp around 75F) and she will provide you with healthy young fry.

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Q: What is a sign that a fancy guppy is about abort her fry?
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Related questions

What is the difference between fry and fingerlings?

Guppy fry are the newborn babies and guppy fish are not babies

Where to put your guppy fry when born?

put the guppy fry in a different tank because the adult guppies will eat them

How long do it take for guppies to have there guppy fry?

Gestation period for a guppy is 28 days.

What is a young guppy called?

a fry you can buy them things like fry food and stuff :]

Why have your guppy fry only have yellow and black markings?

The parents or grandparents of these fry probably has (or had) the same coloration.

What is called the baby fish?

A Baby Fish is called a Fry, a fingerling, or a guppy.

How do you save guppy fry from getting eaten?

Put them in a separate tank.

How many fry can a mama guppy have?

Depending on size and age of the female, anywhere from 10 to 40 fry can be born on average.

Will bronze corydoras eat guppy fry?

90% No, They stays at the bottom and will only eat things that is below their mouth, so only foods that sink. In some cases like guppy fry get stuck in gravel, the corys might eat them as the fry is below their mouth.

When does the black spot go away on a pregnant guppy?

The black spot will not go away as it is the eyes of the fry through the pale skin of the guppy. As the pregnancy progressess, the (black) gravid spot will get darker, and the fry will mature.

Did guppy give birth to their young?

likely... Yes, Guppies young (called fry) are born live. The typical Guppy gives birth to 2- 100 fry..Although the average is between 5 and 30.

What is a baby goldfish called?

They are called Fry until they are large enough to eat regular goldfish food. Usually after a few months from hatching