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Moray eels eats fish and squid, and occasionally molluscs and crustaceans.

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Crawford Rodriguez

Lvl 13
2y ago
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14y ago

human shark maybe the piranha

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12y ago

Tiger sharks are the predators of eels.

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Q: What is a eels prey?
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Why do eels live in holes?

to ambush prey

How do electric eels catch their prey?

they stun them.

How do electric eels catch prey?

they stun them.

What eats a Moray ells?

Moray Eels are one of the largest eels known to exist. The only things that prey on them are sharks, humans and sometimes, other eels.

What are electric eels prey?

fish, small mammals, birds and amphibians

What animal changes colouful to catch there prey?

Octopus,cuddlefish and eels .

What animals prey on the blue ringed octopus?

Moray Eels, snapper, and sharks.

How do eels sneak up on fish to eat them?

Pretty sure that eels hide in crevices and wait for fish to swim by, followed by a lightning-fast lunge to grab the prey.

To which animals are seals a friend?

They are friends with eels because they can't eat them and they are there ancestors ,so there for they might just get electric shocked by the eels if they mess with them . So that is why eels don't get eaten , so with that information we know that eels are not a prey to any animal just a predator . SO WITH THIS INFO I WOULD NOT GO NEAR A EELS OR YOU MIGHT DIE .

When a eel stings its prey why does it not shock the whole ocean?

Because Electric Eels are a freshwater fish...

What is a Moray eel's prey?

Moray eels eats fish and squid, and occasionally molluscs and crustaceans.

What are clown fish prey?

Clown fish eat algae, small worms, isopods, and organisms such as plankton. They are prey to sharks, other fish, and eels.