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Q: What happens to yudhistira at the pond?
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When a frog lays hundreds of eggs in a small pond what happens to the population of frogs in the pond

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Normally, in that scenario, weeds grow around the pond.

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How and why does yudhistira succeed in this challenge?

Yudhistira succeeds in the challenge by being truthful and humble. He overcomes his inner struggles and finds the strength to face the ordeal with courage and integrity. His success is attributed to his adherence to dharma and righteousness, which ultimately leads to his triumph.

When a frog lays eggs in a small pond what happens to the population of frogs in the pond?

it's start to increase by egg

What happens to a pond where there is no fish in it and there is litter in the pond?

Possible Answer: The pond will be begin filling due to the absence of fish. Sediment will fill the pond; Shallow areas will begin filling and plants will slowly begin growing closer to the center of the pond. What is left of the pond will become wetland or marsh or a swamp.

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What happens when a red rock falls in a green pond?

it gets wet

What happens to a duck on the surface of a pond when a wave passes under it?

it sinks

What happens when you throw big rocks into a pond?

Big fish throw them back.