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If u mean the fish that get thrown out, they just sink to the bottom of the ocean and rot and get eaten, but since they were wasted and if this happens alot the things that the fish eats have more and more babies and it messes up the food chain

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Q: What happens to all the fish which is wasted from overfishing?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of overfishing?

Overfishing can be used to control fish populations and can be helpful in encouraging natural selection. Overfishing can also be very harmful as it causes fish populations to decrease, affecting all animals that rely on them for food. Overfishing has led many governments to reduce the required size of fish to one that is smaller than when the fish reproduce.

Are there any solutions to overfishing?

One way to stop overfishing would be to use all the fish you catch when fishing instead of using a small portion and throwing the rest away in the garbage.

What happens if you dont save money?

you will have no more money because you wasted it all

What causes overfishing?

Overfishing is caused by excessive fishing efforts that exceed the reproductive capacity of fish populations, leading to decreased fish populations and potential collapse of fish stocks. Factors such as advances in fishing technology, lack of effective fisheries management, and high demand for seafood contribute to overfishing.

What happens when you collect all the Pokemon in verison blue?

You realise how much time you have wasted looking for them all.

Describe one way that overfishing can be prevented?

By restricting the size of fish that a person can catch from a certain area. This makes it so they cannot hunt all the fish, and help the stronger and fish can take more time to reproduce.

Different types of ways that people do overfishing?

Well, what I am thinking you are meaning by 'overfishing', is that people go fishing alot. Different types could be overfishing using a boat, like that TV series of the people catching King Crabs. And, just going down to the river often to fish. But, that is all I got for this...question? lol. Sorry. -MooMay17

What happens when the river polute?

well what happens is the fish all die and all waters will be useless well what happens is the fish all die and all waters will be useless because the water is dirty

What is overfishing?

Taking more fish than the amount that will grow again. Eventually, there will be no fish left.

What happens when you donate all the fish in animal crossing?

Nothing happens but when you catch all the fish you get a golden fishing rod which I have seen can attract other fish from others

Why do people over fish?

why do people over fish? There are a lot of environmental problems in the world today. There are, for example, air pollution, land degradation, nuclear issues, global warming, e.t.c. Out of all these numerous environmental problems, overfishing is one of the most threatful environmental problem that can cause many dangers. Too many people chase too few fish. Overfishing means: fishing too much so as to deplete the amount of fish in certain areas. The risk of overfishing is continuing to grow and it is time for people to consider cause, effects and solutions for it. There are many causes of this 'disaster.' First of all, there is high technology that allows people to catch fish in a larger scale and quicker than in the past. Also, there is a greater demand for fish-the increasing demands of fish from people and restaurants. Since fish have better nutritional values, it seems like more people are going for fish. Third, the fishermen and large companies are trying to make more money by overfishing. Fifth, because of such high competition and demands for fish amopng people, fishermen race for fish, and take in as many fish as they can catch. Meanwhile, fish cannot reproduce fast enough to meet such high large scale fishing, thus causing overfishing. The danger of overfishing is that if people keep on overfishing, there will be much extinction of sea animals. For an example, people are shark finning. They fin the sharks then throw them back into the ocean then they die at the bottom because they cannot swim any longer, and if that continues, there will be shark extinction. Second, there will also be a food chain disruption, which other species will start to die out. We have a few possible solutions to prevent overfishing. First, you should take some time to read what kind of fishes you can buy that will make as little damage as possible on the fish. Second, you should also start to buy sustainable seafood. Third, you can write a letter to the editor of a newspaper how we think overfishing should stop, to make them put it on the newspaper. If you do this, many other people will know about it and try to do something to put this situation in a better place. Fourth, tell your friends about the situation. Tell them why you are avoiding certain kinds of fish and that if they do something to help, it would make a big difference in this serious problem. It will be much of a change if we respect the environment and try something to stop overfishing. Also, if we do something to stop overfishing, it will make a big difference.

What are the advantages of overfishing?

ok the good thing of over fishing : 1 . money prosses 2. more fish food 3. its fun to fish bad things of over fishing 1. extiction of sharks 2 .endanger fish that's all i can think of