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The eggs won't be fertilized, and will not hatch.

It is almost impossible to sex a goldfish, but generally, males may be a little less egg shaped than females.

Males develop white spots on their pectoral fins and gills (do not confuse this with white spot- also known as Ich ) at the age of sexual maturity, which is about 1-2 years of age.

Unless you put all of the adult goldfish that are currently in you tank into another tank, the eggs will probably be eaten by the parents within a few hours.

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Q: What happens to a goldfish if they lay eggs and their is no male goldfish in the tank?
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You bought two goldfish now you have eggs all over the bottom of your tank you took out the goldfish and the eggs are getting hairy don't know if the other was a male to fertilize what should you do?

I'm not an expert at this, but I would put the parents back in until the eggs hatch. If the eggs don't hatch about 8 mon. after that, they are probable dead. Answer- The Goldfish eggs should hatch in two or three days depending on the temperature of the water in your tank. First it is important to realize that the eggs must be fertilized by a male Goldfish, after the eggs have been laid by a female Goldfish. Did you have a male Goldfish in the tank with the female? If not the eggs will not be fertile, and will soon turn white, and will not hatch. But if the eggs were fertilized, they should hatch in two or three days depending on the temperature of the water in tank. Note: You should not try to remove the eggs from your tank.

How do know of your goldfish is making eggs?

If your goldfish is female and full of eggs, she may release them in the tank. If there is no male in the tank with her, she may very well simply reabsorb the eggs without ever releasing them at all.

Must you put the male and female goldfish in the same tank as the eggs?

No, if you do that than the parent goldfish (and any other goldfish around) will eat all the eggs and any possible fry.

Should move the mother goldfish out of the tank?

Goldfish have been known to eat their own young so moving the mother goldfish out of the tank and into another is probably a good idea. You do not need to do this if the eggs have not been fertilized by a male goldfish. In that case, it is perfectly fine to leave the eggs with the mother as she will greatly enjoy devouring them.

You only have one catfish and a few goldfish and the catfish had eggs how?

Catfish eggs are fertilized by the male after being They must be goldfish eggs. It is nearly impossible to have catfish breed on their own in a tank or pond. Any fish female can have eggs, the eggs are fertilized after the female lays the eggs. So if the eggs hatch then most likely they be goldfish.

How do you know when a goldfish having babies?

Goldfish are egg laying fish, and unless there is a male in the tank to chase the female and convince her to release eggs, you may not know that she is either female, or even has eggs to release.

Does a goldfish lays eggs?

Goldfish do lay eggs. The eggs will attach to something in the tank or bowl until they hatch.

What should you do if your goldfish is pregnant and you have a small tank?

Goldfish are not livebearers so they are never truly pregnant. If you think your goldfish is pregnant than she is just getting ready to spawn by becoming full of eggs. Unless there is a male goldfish present the eggs will be unfertilized and will not hatch into baby goldfish fry. Your female goldfish will soon lay her eggs, and if no further action is taken, she will then eat them. As for the small tank, I would really recommend moving her into a bigger one.

What are the symptoms of a pregnant goldfish?

Fish don't get pregnant. When a male and female goldfish mate, they will swim close together and then the female will release eggs which the male will then cover in a liquid from his own body. This means that the eggs are fertilized and then they will then sink to the bottom of the tank. I suggest putting some CLEAN marbles on the bottom of the tank with the eggs because this will stop the fish trying to eat their own eggs. This works.

How do goldfish lay eggs?

A gold fish lay eggs by when they are spawning and the male puts the milt in the girl goldfish the female goldfish would get eggs and she will lay them over the tank and the male will spray his milt over the eggs and then you have to ether move the parents and the others or you can remve the eggs ... hope this helped you peace duces

Does goldfish lay eggs or live birth?

If there is a male & female together in a tank, the male will chase the female poking his head against her side & belly to get her to release eggs. If she does, he will then release what is called milt in an attempt to fertilize the eggs.Then the breeder will remove the eggs from the tank into a shallow container and care for the eggs until fry are born which are cared for until they are big enough for a regular tank.

Does a goldfish have live fish birth?

Goldfish are egg-spawners. If you want to breed them, you need: * two aquariums--a 20-gallon spawning tank, and a 10-gallon grow-out tank. Neither one should have gravel or a filter in it. * a male and a female goldfish, both at least three years old * baby goldfish food Put about three inches of water in the grow-out tank. Put the adult goldfish in the spawning tank. When the goldfish are ready to spawn, the male will chase the female all over the tank. When she gets tired enough, she will scatter eggs all over the tank, and the male will spray his milt all over the tank. The milt will turn the water cloudy. Now for the fun part: you have to wait until the water clears, then scoop up all the eggs and put them in the other tank. Goldfish will eat their own eggs. Then cover the other tank, wait until they hatch, and start feeding the little fish.