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Q: What fish live in the savanna?
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Do elephants live in the savanna or jungle?

= = they live in the savanna

What is a grassy Savanna?

its a place where animals live

Birds in the savanna?

I heard somewhere Lovebirds live in the savanna

Do warthogs live in rain rainforests?

In the savanna in Southern Africa

What type of vegetation is found in a savanna?


What animal would not be in a savanna?

A lion

What type of vegetation is found in Savanna?


Where do zebra live near in the savanna?

they live in the grass lands in the savanna and there strips help them to clamaflarge in the grasss

Do lizards live in the savanna?


Does a jaguar live in the savanna?

No. They live in the forests of North America.

Does a lion king live in a forest?

No they live in the Savanna

Do lions live in the savanna?

yes, lions live there.