i have a plec but i know someone who had loaches golden barb and a sharkfish and they were fine
You can keep other fish of a similar size and temperament with tetras. You may also keep smaller sized Veil Angels with them, although your best bet is to stay with fish that are also brackish in nature. The size of your tank is also very important with determining appropriate tank mates.
no a tetra fish has a shiny streak
There is a tetra fish, sometimes it's called a "neon" fish. tetra is also a prefix meaning 4. Tetrapod is a four limned animal.
No, clown fish are marine fish and tetra and guppies are freshwater fish.
A blue tetra is a small aquarium fish.
Xenophthalmichthys Danae is a fish species that lives in the Pacific Ocean. It begins with the letter x.
there are 26 known aquarium tetra fish breeds
the scientific name for the bleeding heart tetra fish is Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma
the scientific name for the blood fin tetra fish is Aphyocharax anisitsi
the Black phantom tetra fish is scientifically called Hyphessobrycon megalopterus
the scientific name for the Black neon tetra fish is Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi