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Q: What fish did the thousands eat on the mountain?
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What type of food do people eat in mountain?

fish dried barriers

What do mountain eagles eat?

Mountain Eagles eat rabbits, marmots and squirrels that they catch with their long and sharp talons. They also eat small reptiles, birds, fish and insects.

Do wild mountain goats eat fish?

No, the are plant eaters called herbivores.

Fish that eat algae?

Some fish that commonly eat algae include plecos, siamese algae eaters, and otocinclus catfish. These fish can be beneficial in helping to control algae growth in aquariums and ponds. It's important to research the specific dietary needs and compatibility of these fish before adding them to an aquatic environment.

Name the type of fish that eat plants only?

herbiverous fishes. There are thousands of different kinds.

What do white cloud mountain minnows eat?

Any well balanced flake food for tropical fish will do.

How dolphin get it food?

They hunt in packs and eat small fish that usually swim together in schools that number in the thousands.

Why fish lays thousands of eggs at a time?

Most fish lay lots of eggs because other fish eat the eggs and with thousands some can survive and grow.

What other dragons can you get in dreamwork dragons wild skies?

well usuallyyou will get the deadly nadder during tutorial after the tutorial you can get a : the scauldron it eat fish or crabs it is in the great west ocean the hideous zippleback it eat fish or honeycomb it is in black heart bay the monstrous nightmare is found in lava lout mountain it eat scented flower the typommerang is found on wild dragon cliff it eat fish the night fury is found on badmist mountain it eat fish or honeycomb the gronckle is found in thewoods that howled it eat fireweed or fish the thunder drum is found in wrecker reef it eat crabs or fish also there are three new dragon which are : the whispering death which is found in the gronckle liar in the woods that howled it eat scented flower the smothering smokebreath which is found in monstrous nightmare liar in lava lout mountain it eat mutton the last is the changewings it is found in the deadly nadder liar in the unlandable cove it eat honeycomb the last is

What animals live in californias mountain region?

Some animals that live in California's mountains are cougars, bears,thousands and thoudsands of insects, fish, and many more.

Do mountain lions eat bald eagles?

No they only prey on creatures they can fly with such as fish, rabbits, mice etc

What does Caiman's eat?

A black caiman will eat anything that comes into its range. It has been documented to prey on cattle, jaguars, mountain lions, and anacondas.