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Each addition depends on the environment that is already in-place.

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Q: What fish can be put in a reef fish tank?
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Can you catch reef fish and put them in your saltwater tank?

You can not. You should not put anything into your aquarium that you have found in the ocean. There are different bacteria and parasites in the ocean than found in your tank. In addition, the differences in PH balance and salinity are far greater. Plus the pressure of the water will different from the ocean to your tank. You not only risk the fish dying, but potentially killing off everything in your tank. There are quite a few beautiful species of reef fish available at your local saltwater fish store. Many are quite affordable and the expert at these stores can give you directions on how to acclimate your new fish.

Can you put real gold into a fish tank?

Gold is an inert metal (not dangerous to fish). You can put it into a fish tank if you choose too.

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How do you take your fish home with you on

Umm you could buy a fish tank and put it in your room just make a fish then buy a fish it will get in side the fish tank in your you don't have to do nothing just buy a fish and a fish tank and it is put in your room

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What fish can you put in a five gallon tank?

you can put a betta in a 5 gallon tank

What do you need to research if you want a fish tank?

TheType of fish that you put in the tank and what they need to survive

What is the difference between a reef fish tank and a regular one?

I assume by a regular tank, you mean one which contains freshwater fish, such as a goldfish tank. A reef tank consists of a mixed marine environment, containing a mixture of reef fish, corals, invertebrates, and other organisms. With respect to freshwater tanks, there are several types. Ciclid tanks, planted tanks, tropical tanks, and cold-water tanks could all be considered distinct types. Marine tanks come in just as many varieties also. There are cold-water varieties, reef tanks, FOWLR (Fish Only With LiveRock), lagoon tanks, and many others. Hope this helps.

Can you put another pet in a turtle tank?

you can put fish in the tank but you can also put frogs in it too!

What will happen if you put sugar in a fish tank?

the fish will DIE!!

What happen if you put alcohol in a fish tank?

The Fish will die.