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Try Grass Carp

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Q: What fish can be put in a farm pond that eats only algae and can live through the cold winter?
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What does crab eat and what eats its?

it eats different types of algae

How does green algae eat?

Green algae eats by sucking in nutrients

How green algae eat?

Green algae eats by sucking in nutrients

Does zoo plankton algae?

Plankton is not algae. Plankton eats algae though.

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A bear that eats a fish that ate bugs that ate algae is a

Does the red algae effect the red sea?

the algae does affect it. the algae is a little monster that comes out and eats people.

What wetland animal's eats algae?

A duck is a wetland animal that eats algae as part of its diet. Ducks forage on algae, among other plants and small insects, to obtain nutrients and energy.

What eats rabbitfishes?

algae or fresh vegetables

What does a zooplankton?

A zoo plankton eats algae.