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Q: What fish are decomposers?
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Are fish decomposers?

Fish are not decomposers. They are consumers.

Where do decomposers live in a fish tank?

Decomposers are microorganisms. They live in plant material in the fish tank,

Are flat fish decomposers?


Are trout decomposers?

No, trout are not decomposers. Trout are carnivorous fish that feed on smaller aquatic animals like insects, crustaceans, and smaller fish. Decomposers are organisms that break down dead organic matter into simpler compounds.

Is a cod fish a decomposers or a consumer?

A cod is a consumer.

Is a mosquito a decomposer?

on my own understanding, a mosquito fish is a consumer :)

Are lobsters decomposers?

No, lobsters are not decomposers. They are carnivorous scavengers that primarily feed on small fish, mollusks, and other marine creatures. Lobsters primarily play a role in the food chain as consumers rather than decomposers.

Are leopard seals decomposers?

No,a decomposers job is to break down nutrients from a dead animal or plant,Sea lions are considered as a secondary consumer in some areas of Earth(probably even my country)

Is barracuda a decomposer?

No, barracuda is not a decomposer. Barracudas are predatory fish that feed on other animals in the ocean, like smaller fish and crustaceans. They do not play a role in breaking down dead organic matter like decomposers do.

Are mandarin fish decomposers?

If you are referring to the dragnet type mandarin then no, they are carnivores. (They east small invert's)

Is a heron a decomposer?

No, herons are not decomposers. Herons are large wading birds that primarily eat fish, frogs, and other small animals. Decomposers are organisms that break down organic matter, such as dead plants and animals, into simpler substances.

Racheal in a swamp she sees ponds small snails fungi and some fish explain how what rachel sees helps tell the story of how the organisms connect and how they help the swamp ecosystem thrive?

Because Fungi and snails are decomposers, without the decomposers the swamp would be all dead plants, and animals. Without plants the fish and other swamp animals would die. The decomposers break down dead things and put them back into the earth, the fish consume the plants and small insects that feed off of other plants that need decomposers to survive which makes the ecosystem thrive!