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Q: What environmental pressures shark and variations?
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What can create new variations?

New variations can be created through genetic mutations, environmental influences, and selective pressures. Mutations are random changes in genetic material, while environmental factors can drive changes in traits based on interactions with surroundings. Selective pressures determine which variations are advantageous and become more common in a population over time.

What are the Environmental pressures and variations of giraffes?

Environmental pressures Availability food with droughts and global warming available vegetation can be limited. A variation of a giraffe is its long neck

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Environmental Pressures of a rabbit are lack of food/water

What environmental pressures do sharkss have?


What variations does a shark have?

Different types

What are environmental variations?

environmental variations are characteristics which are adapted by your living area. eg: if you move to America, your accent may change

What are sharks variations?

Shark variations are variations of sharks and that sharks have fins to swim and large teeth for hunting prey as food.

What is the enviormental pressure of a shark?

Sharks have the pressures of food,water,space,and living.

Do sharks have variations?

The variations of a shark are changes in the way they look.For example sharks vary by size,head,and species.

What variations do sharks have?

The variations of a shark are changes in the way they look.For example sharks vary by size,head,and species.

Describe the types of environmental pressures faced by living organisms?

Living organisms face environmental pressures such as competition for resources, predation, disease, and changes in climate. These pressures drive evolution by selecting for individuals with advantageous traits that increase their chances of survival and reproduction. Organisms must adapt to these pressures in order to thrive in their environment.

What actors and actresses appeared in Environmental Pressures and Species Adaptation - 2013?

The cast of Environmental Pressures and Species Adaptation - 2013 includes: Seoungtae Heo as Minho Eunu Kang as Minho Guerim Kim