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Q: What eats Pacific sleeper sharks?
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What sharks begin with the letter p?

Pacific sleeper shark

Are there any sharks at the poles?

Yes, there are sharks that survive in the North and South poles. A few examples are the Greenland Sleeper Shark, the Pacific Sleeper Shark and the Black Dogfish Shark.

What eats Pacific cod?

sharks eat cod

What eats a shark that's a consumer?

sharks have no common predator. although the giant pacific octapus sometimes hunts down and eats small sharks. they are the only known animal that eat sharks.

Are mako sharks herbivores carnivores or omnivores?

Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus) is thought to be both a predator and a scavenging carnivore.

When was Pacific sleeper shark created?

Pacific sleeper shark was created in 1801.

What do sleeper sharks eat?


What eats a rattail fish?

The rattail fish is a very scary looking apex predator. They have very few predators. These predators include soupfin sharks, dogfish sharks, and pacific halibut.

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What eats a pacific white sided dolphin?

Killer whales eat white sided dolphins as well as sharks. Humans are an enemy of dolphins

How big is the giant pacific sleeper shark?

25 feet

What eats seals?

An animal that eats seals is a killer whale. And sharks. And Eskimo'sOrcas, great white sharks