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Put in in by itself, and if the fins are not to tore up they will grow back, if they are to far gone the fish may get a fungus and die, whatever the fish should be removed from the tank isolated and allowed to heal or die.

Unless seroius your beta fish should look completely normal again in a few days. they heal at an exceptionally fast rate

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13y ago
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13y ago

depending on the cause and size of the injury it should be able to grow back i would recommend you talk to the fish expert at your local pet store don't go to Walmart or a big chain store go to your mom and pop store.

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12y ago

Salt (sodium chloride) added to the water at the rate of two teaspoons per gallon will help prevent any fungal growth on any torn fins or scales. 'Melafix' is also suitable for treating Bettas with torn fins and scales.

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Will the shredded fins and tail of a male betta fish heal?

Yes. My Betta's whole tail ripped off and it is growing back. Just put a couple drops off stress coat into the water.

How do you sex betta fish?

Male betta's are larger, more colorful, and have much longer fins. Female betta's are small, less colorful, and have short stubby fins.

How do i know my betta is a female?

Your betta fish is a female if she has smaller fins than an average male.

What is a normal fin for a betta fish?

Well there are lots of types of fins for betta fish. my betta fish has a long stringy tail and fins, but my female has short average fins. most have plain fins. mine is the only one i have seen in my area with a stringy tail. most fish have stringy tails if they are sick but not mine he was bred to be like that. depending on the fish and the area well there are lots of things that are considered normal for bettas.

Will a betta kill tropical fish?

Depends what fish you have, if the fish are colourful and have long fins then it'll probably bite it to death, every betta is different.

Should there be red streaks in the fins of Betta fish?

There are so many different colour variations of Betta that red streaks in blue fins are quite common as are blue streaks in red fins. All it means is that the fish are cross bred.

Do fins grow back after ich in betta?

Yes; fish fins can regrow and heal with amazing speed.

How do you tell how old a betta fish is?

the size of it's fins and body

What if your betta fish get in a fight?

Betta fish get in fights with fish with colorful fins and bodies. If your betta gets in a fight while your away,the weaker fish may die. But if you see your betta fight with another fish you should try to split the two fish apart [or all the fish that are fighting].

Could an Betta fish live without fins?

No. all fish need fins to swim. Or they would just stay at the bottom of the tank and die.

What does it mean when your betta fish spreads its fins when it sees itself in the mirror?

When it sees another beta fish it gets territorial and wants to fight it, not even realizing that it's looking at itself.

Will my fish fins grow back from fin rot?

Provided the reason for the loss of fins is removed and the conditions the fish is living in are correct then yes the fins will usually grow back. They will however never be as good (well shaped) as the originals.