

What do the hammerhead shark eat?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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10y ago

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There are ten known types of hammerheads (though the most recently discovered one, the Cryptic Scalloped Hammerhead, is not yet officially cataloged) and they feed on diverse prey. The great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran) that can be 15 feet in length eats fish and also enjoys stingrays, though they are rather difficult to hunt. Only large sharks are able to successfully eat stingrays. The bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo) is only three feet long when mature and eats crustaceans as well as fish. The other eight hammerheads all eat pretty similarly with diets of fish and squid.

Just a short note to say I liked to hear about the above mentioned Cryptic Scalloped Hammerhead.

Last but not least, the Great Hammerhead also prey other smaller sharks and is known to be cannibalistic.

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Edward Sporer

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2y ago
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12y ago

Hammerhead Sharks are carnivorous predators. Their diet includes fish, squid, Octopus, Crustaceans and Sting Rays. Sting Rays are one of the hammerheads favorite prey species. Large Hammerhead species esp. the "Great Hammerhead" is known to feed on other hammerhead species as well. Hammerheads are also cannibalistic, they eat their own young ones.

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10y ago

We know of eigth different hammerhead shark species, at least.

They go from less than a metre long for smaller species, to more than 6 metres for the Great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran).

All hammerheads are active predators on stingrays, any bony fish, squid, octopus in a less extend, crabs, lobsters, other smaller sharks and, particulary agressive and dangerous, the great hammerhead may even feed on other great hammerheads (including their own pups after giving birth, for all hammerhead species have viviparous type reproduction).

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12y ago

Hammerhead Sharks are carnivorous predators. Their diet includes fish, squid, Octopus, Crustaceans and Sting Rays. Sting Rays are one of the hammerheads favorite prey species. Large Hammerhead species esp. the "Great Hammerhead" is known to feed on other hammerhead species as well. Hammerheads are also cannibalistic, they eat their own young ones.

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15y ago

Well. They eat small fish and squid. But there favorite food is stingrays.

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