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The cownose ray eats mostly oysters, clams, snails, and crabs :)

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12y ago

crabs, fish and bottom-feeder creatures

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Q: What do shovelnose rays eat?
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because regular cats have babys and sometimes the male cat eats the babys, South American Red tailed Catfish eat Corydoras Tiger Shovelnose eat small pleco and corydoras channel catfish eat flagtail and porthole cats

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These are rays that can make electricity when they eat or scared.

What eats shovelnose guitarfish?

crabs,worms,clams,small fish, and crustaceans

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No sting rays do not eat seals sting rays eat fish and single celled organisms like plankton not seals

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What do rays eat?

notting eat a electric rays it will not let any thing to get that close with out shocking it