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their siblings while inside their mothers stomach, and anything they can get once they're out

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Q: What do sand sharks like?
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Are sand tiger sharks vegetarian?

No. Like most sharks it's carnivorous.

Do sand tiger sharks sleep?

no they r like all sharks if they sleep they die

What does sand tiger sharks eat?

Sand tiger sharks can grow to be almost 10 feet long. They like to feed on squid, fish and other sharks as well as on crustaceans.

Do sand sharks bite?

Yes, there are Sand sharks (sand tiger sharks) or (ragged tooth sharks). They are mackerel sharks of the family Odontaspididae. They're found worldwide in temperate and tropical waters.

What does a sand-tiger shark eat?

Sand tiger sharks can grow to be almost 10 feet long. They like to feed on squid, fish and other sharks as well as on crustaceans.

Do sharks have skin soft?

No, sharks have skin like sand-paper They have teeth like things on their skin called denticles. That`s why they feel like snadpaper.

What bait can you use to catch sand sharks?

The best bait for sand sharks is squid

What is the sand sharks habitat?

A sand castle

Why are sharks hunted?

Sharks are hunted for their fins and other things like teeth,{for tuorist atractions and weapons} and skin{sometimes for sand paper}.

What kind of sharks do Japanese catch for their fins?

sand sharks

What is the Sand sharks population?

About 10069

Do leafy sea dragons live solitary or in groups?

They travel in groups because of sand sharks sand sharks are the only predator