Scientists don't know what causes these tumors, although the noncancerous growths may be hereditary or present since birth.
Mice get tumors in the say way humans get tumors. Anything that causes the unchecked rapid division of cells will cause cancer.
Not usually.
Your goldfish is suffering from exophthalmos also known as pop-eye. Pop-eye can be caused from bacterial infections, tumors, or bad water quality.
1> the peronality of a person changes
smoking, obesity, hypertension are the most common causes for kidney tumor.
supposedly bain tumors and cancer. it doesnt cause bain tumors and cancer but it helps them to grow
What you have is a Telescope Goldfish. the eyes protrude as a product of the cross breeding process
Swelling or polyps/tumors.
A damaged swim bladder.
mutation, it causes cells to reproduce abnormaly fast, creating tumors