You may awnt to put her in a separate tank or a breeder box. Make sure the tank is a good temperature and clean. Of course, give her food. Take out of wherever she is and put her with the other guppies as soon as the babies are born. The other guppies will eat the babies as will the mom.
A guppy fish is pregnant for about 4 weeks.
All that is needed is a male guppy in with her.
it may be a femake or a FAT guppy
Guppy fish are pregnant for about 4 weeks before giving birth to their babies.
A guppy is pregnant for about 4 weeks before giving birth.
A female guppy is pregnant for about 4 weeks before giving birth to live young.
like human that is pregnant.
Because the guppy have baby inside it stomch
Guppy fish are pregnant for about 4 weeks before giving birth.
large stomach.
Your guppy will be pregnant if it has been in a container with a male since it reached maturity. A none pregnant guppy is an unusual thing. She will develop a belly and also when seen from behind she will have a dark spot visible deep inside her on either side of her vent. (the gravid spot)