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Well I have done loads of research on sharks, yeah you cannot avoid a shark attack, if they attack you they attack you, they are curious and getting a taste of you. Sharks infact do not like the taste of humans but if they are desperately hungry then they will bite you. This goes off the question a bit but if a shark attacks you, punch it right in the eye, that is the most vulnerable part of the shark and they should let go, you know what it feels like being poked in the eye!!!

I guess if you wanted to avoid sharks then stay in groups if you want to go out deep because sharks do not usually attack groups of people, if you do see a shark remain calm no matter what, if you start splashing around and screaming like a loonatic then the shark will think that you are in distress or something, in other words like a wounded animal, perhaps a seal so they will probably attack you, if you have any open wounds definitely do not go swimming, sharks can pick up the smell of blood from quite a distance, that will make them come for you. If you are not a confident swimmer don't even go out deep, sharks don't often go in the shallow.

It will be unusual seeing a shark in the day time because they prefer coming out at night, they never sleep as they have to stay on the move constantly. They can also see perfectly in the night under the sea, so if you were to go swimming at night I would say you are crazy, that is their feeding time.

Any other questions on sharks? I know all :D

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Over the past 50 years there is an average of 1 death a year. Sometimes there have been as many as 3 in 2 months. The chance that you were to be killed to a shark is 1 in 3,748,067. As Australia's Population is around 21 000 000. then there is a 6 in 21 000 000 chance that you will be the person being declared dead after a shark attack. I wouldn't get to worried about it, just enjoy the ocean and when you do hear an alarm get out as fast as possible.

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You can't. A shark wouldn't be able to eat you whole, even if it did, it's stomach acids would burn through you anyway. And if you were in really deep water, the water pressure would crush you. To avoid sharks, try punching them in the gills or poking them in the eyes. From the shark expert girl.

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